Thu. Apr 25th, 2024

Autofill is a great way to save your time while buying something online or logging in to a website. Autofill shows you saved details when you fill a form. Google chrome supports autofill on both- PC and Android. It saves your personal details and suggests them as a  pop-up under or above the filling column. But this is about to change, Google is developing a new UI for Google Chrome Android.

Thus new UI is different and unique. The suggestions will not pop up on the box but they will be shown on the top of the Keyboard. The different autofill options will appear as lozenge-shaped boxes that can be scrolled left and right with three new icons at the end of the row; a key icon for logins, a credit card icon for payment options, and a location pin for addresses. To fill the information you just have to tap on the suggestion and it will fill the form automatically. There is a new feature in the UI, now when you will create a new password for any website a key icon will pop up to “Suggest strong password”. When you will tap on that icon, Google will create a new strong password.

The new UI has appeared for some users by default, to enable these new interfaces, open google chrome and type chrome://flags in the search toolbar. Search for “Keyboard Accessory” in the search bar the new page and then change the defaults to “Enable”. Restarting the browser will enable the new UI.

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