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Best locations in bangalore for people Photography

People photography, one of the best things a photographer can do, because it includes people and their behavior. The world of photography starts and ends with emotions and people photography is one of the best ways to find it. Over the years, there have been many photographers who have earned a lot of praise from their followers for capturing some amazing moments involving random people.

If you are a photography fanatic and you are looking to go out with your camera on a day to capture some moments filled with excitement, emotions and joy, I have listed the best places in Bangalore where you can have a nice time shooting people.

1. Malleswaram

Malleswaram is one of the oldest and most happening places in the city. Many people around call it the “Original Bangalore” for obvious reasons. The lifestyle here gives you a glimpse of those traditional Bangaloreans living their lives peacefully. Malleswaram has a lot of vegetable markets as well as the modern outlets.

This area is very busy during the early mornings as well as the late evenings and that makes it the best time to go there, interact with people and capture some awesome moments. People here are very humble and most of them will not mind you clicking their pictures, instead, some of them would be eager to come and interact with you.

In the early morning and late evening, this place has a lot of movement. The best things, you, as a photographer can find is peopple interacting with each other, bargaining and purchasing goods as well as the people going for their morning or the evening walk.

2. KR Market

Yet another busy place in Bangalore with hell lot of circulation of people from all the parts of Bangalore. KR Market as well as the bus stop here, are one of the busiest places in Bangalore.

KR Market, another busy place in the city

KR Market, short form of Krishna Rajendra Market hosts millions of people for some part of the day. It is one of the largest junctions for BMTC (Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation, the city transport service in Bangalore) and that makes it an amazing destination if you are looking to capture a few photographs with a lot of random people in background. There is no such best time for clicking pictures at KR Market, because the circulation of people keeps going on at any point of the day. If you are still looking for the peak time of the day, I would suggest you to visit this place in the evening.

3. Pottery Town

Situated just beside FOX town, this place is not so popular. People ending up here for the first time often say, “Despite living so close to this place, I never knew such a place existed in Bangalore”.

One of the best things about this place is the absence of a huge crowd, which gives you an extra level of comfort and more space with the pottery workers working there. Visiting this place in the early morning can give you a lot of disappointment as the workers start working around 8:30 – 9am.

A worker working to make his livelihood. The commitment is clearly visible on his face.

This place proves to be the best for many reasons. Working individuals are present at your assistance when you are looking for good locations in bangalore to click some nice photographs. At the time of work, the dedication and commitment these people show is just incredible and it remains up to you and how perfectly you can show them in your pictures.

Let me know if you have some other place in mind which can be better than the ones I mentioned above. I will see you in my next article, till then, see ya! 🙂

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