Thu. Apr 18th, 2024

In today’s fast-paced world our own moral values are eroding and fading by the time we realize we should stand up and mend our ways to make way for new happiness for us and our surroundings.

This is the time when our CARE IT, AND SHARE IT principle is getting down from the school curriculum and students are made to focus only on what’s necessary, forgetting our roots which we need to cherish first if we aspire to grow high in our lives.

The responsibility of schools educating students with moral science becomes even more relevant in this time of tumult in the worldly showoff, a life full of unfulfilled promises and vague expectations where these children are left to observe and recreate all crimes that they saw happening in their surroundings or on T.V.

The children of now are the civilians of the upcoming time and to make a world full of people with intellect, moral science as a subject in the school curriculum is the need of the time. Children’s mind is a clean slate which is getting affected with the pace of this growing crime rate which is making a vicious circle, either this crime should vanish which is difficult or students should combat themselves with the attitude of morality and love.

  • Moral science helps us to prepare our children to make a compassionate human being. Have you ever seen a person ever who praises someone who is rude and misbehaving for his behavior, this is because no matter where we belong to or what we choose as a profession for our living everyone has common standards for a good human being which is surprisingly not even taught in school.
  • Lessen the burden of parents so that the most impressionable time of students can be focused on imparting real human values to children. In today’s modern home settings children didn’t get to spent much time with their parents so it becomes even more important for the school to impart the essential human attributes to children.
  • Helps to counter the bad values portrayed in front of children in faces of role models like condoning of improper or deceiving ways to gain success, disassociation from honesty as a sole code of conduct in life and so on and so forth.

All these points conclude to the fact that if Moral Science is taught in schools giving the attention and seriousness like other subjects than only we’ll be able to eliminate evils from our society and make a useful contribution in the betterment of our future generation.

By Palak Arora

Hello, readers welcome to the world of intellect. A world where you and I grow together reading, listening and loving with all enthusiasm and love for the Divine.

2 thought on “How moral science as subject in school can help students grow responsible”
  1. Very nice article for our new generation as well as there parents
    Actully this is the need of parents basically

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