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MostlySane: Prajakta Koli accepts the trending challenge in “Eating A Lemon!| #SawaalSaturday” on YouTube

Prajakta Koli aka Mostly Sane

MostlySane’s new #SawaalSaturday video is out on her channel. This week’s #SawaalSaturday is very different and is filled with fun questions. The video “Eating A Lemon!| #SawaalSaturday” is full of fun and humor.

Prajakta is asked a different set of questions this time and they are surely going to make you laugh as well. Prajakta’s viewers compliment her because of her generosity and also because of her pleasing personality. She also is asked to pick between two of the choices given and her explanations are hilarious. Then comes the question of lemon eating challenge which has been trending lately and everyone has been doing that. The challenge demands the person who is trying to eat the lemon should not have any expressions on their face.

Watch the video below and find out if Prajakta was able to complete it or you can also see the video on her YouTube channel.

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