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“What If Everything was Scripted” ft. Jim Carrey’s The Truman Show (1998)

A still from The Truman Show

I don’t know if this happens with you or not, but many times before talking to someone I have to script the things I need to say before actually letting the words out. I don’t know but while talking to some specific people, it is the procedure I follow, which in a way lacks the spontaneity in the conversation. We think about a lot of things before implementing it in actuality which leads to us losing the realism in many things.

Leaving the topic of conversation behind, we all must agree on a point that we do a lot of things as per the ‘Plan’ , things that are way too normal in life. Everything we do, our actions are pre planned. You never know the whole fact about the people we are surrounded with. Everything seems to be Scripted. We have evolved a lot but, the human behavior has become more narrow.

Scripting our actions, words makes us to lose the actual value of reality. Coming to the film, this 1998 sci fi film The Truman Show follows up the story of a man (Truman) whose life has been going on as per the TV show script which he’s actually unaware of. From his birth, his teenage and now in his late 20s everything has been a part of the scripted TV show. He further realizes it and goes forward to hunt for the truth.

Most of our lives are no different from Truman, as everyone around us including ourselves are a part of this scripted life which we live with each other without letting anyone know the real truth. Watch The Truman Show for a better understanding.

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