Thu. Apr 25th, 2024

Youtube’s latest update, which has been rolling out for the past week to users, now also adds features like progressive fast-forward, better suggestions, and larger thumbnails. A YouTube TV engineer on the service’s subreddit said, “the rollout has been sent to 50% of users. They also suggested that if you want the update now, reinstalling the application will give you a new visitor ID and a chance at getting the update. You can reinstall as many times as you like until you get it. Apparently, that doesn’t work on all platforms yet, though.”

There has been an addition of few new features in the update:

  • Those who are using the service will notice that the interface around their content is less obtrusive now.
  • Progressive fast-forward is when you hold down the fast-forward button to skip ahead it gets faster the longer you hold it. It goes through 15-second, 30-second, and 1-minute increments. Holding fast forward will no longer be showing thumbnails for other shows either.
  • The preview thumbnail is now much larger.
  • The playback UI is much cleaner in this update. You only have the seek bar and program information when fast-forwarding and rewinding.
  • The suggestions and network shortcuts are now hidden under tabs that you ill b able to open with the remote.
  • The bottom portion of the display only shows a seek bar, the name of the program, the rating, and a few other small buttons. It’s a much cleaner look now that the recommendation row along the bottom has been buried.

The update should be available to all users soon enough provided the current rollout goes well without any major issues.

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