Tue. Apr 23rd, 2024
Farmville facebook game to be shut downhttps://www.igamingbusiness.com/sites/default/files/farmville_gamelanding_desktop.png

Practically everyone who has been on Facebook around the early 2010s knows about FarmVille. FarmVille is a game where you can make your digital farm. You can plough fields, plant crops and breed a variety of animals It is a flash-based Facebook integrated game made by Zynga, a US-based developer. It rose to its heights with a 80 million player-base but it had its tipping point. It fell harrowingly when mobile games became the next big thing. Besides, Adobe is dropping support for Flash and browsers are too.

FarmVille wasn’t exactly a come-and-go situation like one might think. It had its glory days, now Zynga has branched off with video games based on popular franchises. Those include Harry Potter and Game of Thrones, so Zynga isn’t doing too badly. FarmVille required intense dedication to the game, and that was impeding life-activities for many.

The game was annoying with the unsolicited farm help requests. It was a money-grab method, as most players would spend a lot of real-life cash on upgrading their farms. That paired with the incessant addiction that followed was only a temporary convenience.  Hence, Flash support would be dropped by browsers and FarmVille will be mulled down.

December 31st, here’s goes the countdown: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?iso=20201231T235959&p0=224&msg=FarmVille+Shutdown&font=cursive

By Ankan Das

Works on tea, makes video-games, and pursues computer science.

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