Mon. Feb 17th, 2025

The blood feud between the Billion Dollar Epic Games and two Trillion Dollar companies continues with Epic Games getting more and more greedy for a bigger piece of the pie by excluding Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play Store from the in-app purchases Fortnite generates. 

Apple and Google both charge a commission of 30% for one time in-app purchases and 30% of the subscription charges for the first year which is reduced to 15% from the second year. 

So when Epic Games broke the inviolable rule by bypassing Apple and Google’s payment systems by introducing their own third-party payment system in-app and offering a 20% discount to all customers.

Leading to both Apple and Google removed Fortnite from their respective app stores. With which they lose access to over 1 Billion Apple Products in the market and over 7 Billion android phones. Now granted that not all of those devices can run Fortnite in their systems, a conservative estimate for the number of phones capable of running Fortnite maybe 1.5 Billion phones and considering that Fortnite has 200 million active users and 30 million daily users Fortnite has run into a soup of their own making. 

Now regardless of whether or not you believe that Epic Games is right or wrong, it will be wrong to leave those many people hanging while this legal battle between them drags on. Which is why there is an alternative. 

For iOS

Either you can buy the 10,000 dollars, iPhone X, with preloaded Fortnite on eBay or use an alternative. Although I would say that you are in for bad luck if you have never downloaded it on your App Store before as it can only be used if you have downloaded Fortnite through your App Store in the past for iOS.

Regardless of that the workaround is rather simple.

  1. You can access it by just opening your App Store 

App store logo

       2. Going to your account and then clicking on the purchased option towards the top.

Account App Store

      3. After which you can just find it, which is made easy with the search bar available

Purchased App Store

      4. Tap on the cloud with a downward pointing arrow and Fortnite will be downloaded on your iPhone. 

Fortnite App Store

For Android

The process for Android is available for you if you so wish for even if you have never downloaded it on your phone. You can just

  1. Visit
  2. Download the app’s apk directly from the website and open it.

For Samsung

  1. Open the Galaxy Store app on your Samsung phone.
  2. Search Fortnite and install it.

Galaxy Store

While there is no intimation on when the verdict of this case will be delivered.

Whether Epic Games concede and fail or win it big by defeating the two tech giants.


Will Apple and Google compromise thus poking a massive hole on their entire app platform?

Only time will tell.

By Piyush Banerjee

Hello, my name is Piyush Banerjee. I am currently a student at St. Joseph's College(Autonomous), Bengaluru. I am an amateur author and have written 4 WebNovels and 1 eBook. I love tech and I believe that technological advancement is a necessity and should be promoted.

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