Thu. Apr 18th, 2024
Narcos Rise of the Cartels coming in November

Narcos as most of you must know is a popular Netflix TV series based on the real-life stories of famous drug lords of the 80s involved in the cocaine trade in Colombia. Ever since the first episode came out, the show has been an amazing crime drama with the first two seasons highlighting the real-life story of the famous drug kingpins Pablo Escobar. And now, the enthralling experience is coming to PS4 and PC (via Steam) on November 19, as a game. Moreover, it will be available for the Switch on November 21st  and on Xbox One on November 22nd.

Last month, it was announced that the popular TV show is stepping into the gaming world soon. Following which, Publisher Curve Digital and Developer Kuju Entertainment announced yesterday that Narcos: Rise of the Cartels which is a tactical turn-based strategy is arriving on November 19th. Publisher Curve Digital further says that the game features iconic locations and characters from the show, “offering players the chance to step into the criminal underworld alongside characters such as El Mexicano, Murphy, Peña, Primo and more.”

Here are some key features Comicbook managed to brief down:

  • Authenticity is at the core of the Narcos: Rise of the Cartels experience and highly recognizable and iconic characters from the TV show are available to control and play, each offering unique gameplay opportunities.
  • Every War Has Two Sides: Featuring two unique campaigns, Narcos: Rise of the Cartels enables you to see the war from both sides. Choose to side with the DEA and fight alongside Steve Murphy to bring down the drug empire, or choose to side with the Narcos in order to help fund, grow and expand the empire of El Patrón.
  • Fast-Paced Tactical Combat: Narcos: Rise of the Cartels takes tactical combat to a whole new level with units possessing the ability to move individually one after another or multiple times in one turn, meaning the pace is always ramped up. Players will have to plan their actions cautiously as they will face lasting consequences.
  • Counteract and Kill-Shot: Innovative gameplay mechanics keep the turn-based combat fresh by allowing the player to take third-person control of units in order to engage enemies directly, providing the opportunity to deal with critical damage at optimal moments.

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