Thu. Apr 25th, 2024

While the world struggles to understand the anatomy of the coronavirus, one can be certain that there’s more to this virus than what meets the eye. In order to discover more about it, scientists have discovered five indicators in the blood of COVID-19 patients. These indicators are associated with a higher death risk in patients. This research can help doctors understand the course of treatment for COVID-19 patients better. 

For the purpose of the study, 299 COVID-19 patients admitted in the George Washington Hospital between March 12 and May 9, 2020, were examined. The five biomarkers being evaluated were – IL-6, D-dimer, CRP, LDH, and ferritin. In 200 COVID-19 patients out of 299, all these five biomarkers we’re present. Researchers claim that in the case of elevation of these biomarkers, the patient runs a higher risk of inflammation and bleeding disorder. Furthermore, the patient will also run a higher risk of requiring intensive care, invasive ventilation, and death. The chances of death were greater in patients with LDH higher than 1200 units per liter, and the D-dimer levels higher than three micrograms per liter.

The scientists from the study say, “Laboratory biomarkers of inflammation and coagulopathy can help clinicians identify patients who are at great risk for clinical deterioration in COVID-19.” Dr. Shane Ayanian, first author of the research from the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences says, “We hope these biomarkers help physicians determine how aggressively they need to treat patients, whether the patient should be discharged, and how to monitor patients who are going home, among other decisions.”

Currently, the criteria for determination of prognosis in the case of the COVID-19 patients is through their age and comorbidities such as heart, kidney, and liver diseases. Further decisions regarding patient care can be based upon the blood test of an ICU patient that will show the presence of these five biomarkers.

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