According to the reports from Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Number (ICANN) will be updating the cryptographic leys that will helps protect the Domain name System (DNS), which can also be considered the world wide web’s address book. Due to maintenance, the internet server will be disrupted for next 48 hours from October 11, 2018.
The California based security organization is responsible for maintain the registry of domain names and IP address on the internet.
The security organization has given clear clarification on the internet shutdown. It says the upgrading of encryption will not disrupt the entire internet at single time or a complete shutdown of the World Wide Web (WWW).
The work is in process in batches meaning only for small duration the web users will find resources being unavailable for certain period of time. Once the security measures are updated and authenticated, things will get normal.
In an official statement, Communications Regulatory Authority said: “To further clarify, some internet users might be affected if their network operators or Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have not prepared for this change. However, this impact can be avoided by enabling the appropriate system security extensions.”