Thu. Apr 25th, 2024

Google, one of the most popular search engines all over the world, has one particular feature which is loved and looked forward to by users worldwide, which is the Google ‘Doodle’ feature. Doodle is a temporary change of the official Google logo on the website’s homepage exacted to honour a particular festival or holiday celebrated worldwide.

On 30th April, 2018, as India celebrated the 148th anniversary of Sir Dhundiraj Govind Phalke, Google decided to honour this legend of a man by dedicating a doodle to him. Dhundiraj Govind Phalke, fondly known to Indians as ‘Dadasaheb Phalke’ was born in 1870 and lived to the age of 73, before he passed away in 1944. Dadasaheb Phalke was a prominent figure in the history of Indian film making. At his prime, he was India’s first movie producer, director as well as screenwriter. He took part in a silent film known as ‘Raja Harishchandra’ which was based on the life and legend of the namesake in Indian mythology in 1913. Raja Harishchandra was the first Marathi as well as Indian film to ever be produced and released on the Indian cinemas.

The fact that he founded Indian cinema itself and other achievements he acquired further in his life paved his way to be honoured as the Father of Indian Cinema.

This year, Google Doodle celebrates the birth anniversary of the Father of Indian Cinema as it changes its logo to an animated portrait of Dadasaheb himself depicting all the main points of his life.

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