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Doordarshan says Binoy Viswam’s speech violate MCC, Viswam calls it BJP’s mouthpiece

CPI MP Binoy Viswam restrained from withdrawing some parts of his speech which the Prasar Bharti termed as violation of Model Code of Conduct (MCC).

CPI MP Binoy Viswam restrained from withdrawing certain parts from his speech which the Prasar Bharti, the broadcasting wing of Doordarshan, saw as vilation of Model code of Conduct. The Prasar Bharti said that the CPI MP could not put out certain parts of his speech on the telecast as it violated the Model Code of Conduct. In a response the CPM MP lashed out saying Doordarshan is favouring the BJP and the RSS.

“Doordarshan is becoming more and more his master’s voice and that is why this kind of high handedness from their side. This is not what the election commission meant when it gave space and time for political parties to air their views. It’s not matter of its like or dislike,” he said as he mentioned the Doordarshan of being partial.

Viswam talked of the ‘idea of racial supremacy preached by the RSS’ and according to Doordarshan it went against the Model Code of Conduct which prohibits criticism of other parties or their workers based on unverified allegations or distortion.

However the Prasar Bharti made it clear that it is not them who checks or reviews the speeches before telecast but it is done by a three member committee.

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