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After war of words, PM Modi & Manmohan Singh shake hands

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh were or rather say are engaged in a war of words. While addressing a rally in Gujarat on 10 Dec, Narendra Modi made some serious allegations on the senior leaders of Congress, including Manmohan Singh and suspended Mani Shankar Aiyar.

The Prime Minister had alleged that the Congress leader Mani Shankar Aiyar had hosted a dinner for the ex-foreign Minister of Pakistan and Manmohan Singh along with a few other Congress leaders and Pakistani delegates were present there. He blamed that Manmohan Singh along with the others were planning a conspiracy and that Pakistan was trying to influence the Gujarat assembly elections. He also said that the Pakistani leaders a few days back had expressed that Congress leader and personal advisor to Sonia Gandhi, Ahmed Patel will be the Chief Minister of Gujarat.

He also said that the dinner was held on 6 Dec, just a day ahead of the abusive comment made by Mani Shankar Aiyar. The suspended leader on 7 Dec had said that Narendra Modi was a ‘neech aadmi’ however, he later apologised saying that he meant low by ‘neech’ and not a low born. The Congress acting fast not to let the repercussions of his comments hamper the Gujarat elections, suspended Mani Shankar Aiyar.

However, BJP used this in their favour and Modi appealed to the people of Gujarat that Congress had not just insulted him, but entire Gujarat and the Gujaratis should give a befitting reply to them by voting for BJP. The Prime Minister had linked the dinner and the comments made by Aiyar a day after. He also alleged that former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was also involved in a conspiracy with Pakistan.

To this, uncharacteristic of him, but Manmohan Singh lashed out on Modi for making such serious allegations on him. He claimed that there were no talks about the Gujarat elections during the rally and asked the Prime Minister to apologise for his accusations. Manmohan Singh had issued an open letter expressing that Modi was spreading “falsehood and canards to “score political points in a lost cause.”

After making allegations and counter allegations and demanding an apology the two leaders, though a little awkwardly but shook hands out the Parliament on Wednesday morning. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had reached the Parliament to pay tribute to the nine who were killed in the 2001 Parliament attack. The two leader met with folded hands just before entering the house.

Congress President Rahul Gandhi, who had also come there for the same also met warmly with Union ministers Sushma Swaraj and Ravi Shankar Prasad. The Congress leader recently has been engaged in an often fierce battle of wits with BJP leaders over the Gujarat election, but the lighthearted moments shared with the BJP leaders rather went smoothly.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been attacking the Congress throughout the election campaign in Gujarat. Congress also did not leave any stone unturned, even they made allegation on BJP and Modi that they have only focused on the development of only 5-10 businessmen. Rahul Gandhi had said that Modi had done only one-sided development and that the Gujarat Model of Modi had failed.

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