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Artificial Photosynthesis for extracting Atmospheric Carbon and produce Hydrogen fuel

Photosynthesis in Nature works like plants own Laboratory.
Leaves with its pores called Stomata, sees and captures Sunlights in ways our eyes can never do. Energy is so utilised within a plant that Life is born out of bare elements.

Nature is the true sorcerer.

One of the processes in Photosynthesis by Nature

About Photosynthesis:

Plants, algae, and some types of bacteria use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create oxygen and energy in the form of food which is then consumed by Herbivores.

Further this form of energy, though only one-tenth gets transmitted to another level of consumer.

This is how food by Producers sustain the food chain.
Several lives depend on the energy so generated by wonderful but rarely noticed machinery of Nature.

Do all processes of food synthesis in plants need sunlight?

The complete process can be divided into either light-dependant(creation of ATP molecules) or
light-independant(ATP or energy converted to carbohydrates like glucose) chemical processes.

If we can release surplus carbon into the atmosphere can we learn from Nature to absorb it?

Artificial photosynthesis as a chemical process that replicates natural phenomenon of photosynthesis to reduce anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) from our atmosphere thereby increasing fuel security, and providing a way to achieve sustainable global economy.

All credit to human curiosity and inquisitive nature, we have conspired to perform artificial photosynthesis using artificial leaves for the efficient conversion of solar energy into H2 and other fuels (Centi & Perathoner study, 2010, 2011).

Natural photosynthesis on left v/s Artificial Photosynthesis on right

It works by mimicking natural photosynthesis as done by green leaves.

Therefore, research has been carried out to harvest solar energy and produce H2 by artificial photosynthesis for human use.

A team of Scientists from Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, an autonomous institute of the Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India, undertook the scenario and developed the technology to extract excess Carbon from our atmosphere.

Components used in the process:

The design is based on a metal-organic framework (MOF-808) leading to fabrication of an integrated catalytic system.

It comprises if a photosensitizer (molecules that absorb light and transfer the electron from the incident light into another nearby molecule) that can harness solar power and the catalytic center can eventually reduce CO2.

Purpose and application:
Artificial photosynthesis (AP) is achieved by harvesting solar energy.

It works by converting the captured carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide (CO), which can then be used as a fuel for internal combustion engines.

Pollution captured to be the source of fuel for the source of pollution.

Similarity to the Natural Photosynthesis:

It is derived by essentially conducting the same Naturally occurring process of photosynthesis but with simpler nanostructures found in human world.

Processes involved in Artificial Photosynthesis:
It requires the immobilization of a photosensitizer.

Here a chemical called ruthenium bipyridyl complex ([Ru(bpy)2Cl2]) has been used for this purpose.

Another chemical called rhenium carbonyl complex ([Re(CO)5Cl]) finds the use of a biocatalyst here.

These molecular entities maintain close proximity to each other in the nano-space of a porous metal-organic framework system, resulting in heavy CO2 uptake even at room temperature.

Reduction process of CO2:
The developed biocatalyst provides an excellent visible-light-driven CO2 reduction to CO with more than 99% selectivity.

Water Oxidation: The catalyst may be used to oxidise water in order to yield oxygen (O2).
This can independently find application in a number of Industries or for health purposes.

This project above has been accepted for publication in the journal ‘Energy& Environmental Science’ of Royal Society of Chemistry, UK.

Advantages of Solar Fuel derived from Artificial Photosynthesis:
1. Instant energy production, conversion and storage with only necessary loss of energy associated.

2. The general byproducts of reactions involved are environment friendly.

3. It will be a carbon-neutral source of energy, which could be used for transportation or homes.

Aim in motion: to extract carbon and sweep into fuel

1. Corrosion is involved in the process as water is used.

2. May be less stable than photovoltaics over long periods of time.

3. Unnecessary oxidation or photodamage may occur.

4. Not commercially viable unless large scale.

Human tries hard to finally succeed one day.
Our scientific community will therefore keep up its constant efforts to save the planet from getting worse. Science and Innovation has come to our rescue once again.

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