Fri. Apr 19th, 2024

Microsoft seems to be making some big moves to differentiate its Chromium-based Edge browser from its competitors and shape it into a compelling alternative to Chrome for consumers and organizations alike. Microsoft is unveiling a number of new features for its upcoming Chromium-based Edge browser today. The company promises an IE mode, additional privacy tools, and Collections. Microsoft said “these features and more will begin to roll out over time” as Chromium Edge nears launch.

IE mode:

Internet Explorer 11 is the latest version of Microsoft’s classic browser. It is even bundled with Windows 10. While Microsoft pushes Edge as its browser of choice, you can launch Internet Explorer by typing it into the Start menu search or by digging around in the Windows Accessories folder. However, you won’t have to do that when the new Edge rolls out “IE Mode”.

Having an IE mode in Chromium Edge will certainly boost up the new browser’s adoption by businesses that still rely on IE-based apps. But it is not going to win over web developers who still hate IE. IE mode is believed to be coming to preview builds of Edge “later this year.”

Privacy tools:

Microsoft confirms that it is working on a new three-tiered security model. Chromium Edge users will be able to choose from three preset levels of information sharing: Unrestricted, Balanced, and Strict. Edge will then adjust how third parties track you across the web. Each one comes with preset options for cookies, third-party services, and more.


Then there are Collections, which are essentially bookmarked folders with Office integration. That means you can keep a group of links with notes on those links, all of which are sharable and exportable.

However, it is not clear when all of these new Edge features will be available, but Microsoft is announcing them today as work has begun on all of these new features.

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