Tue. Apr 16th, 2024
Data loss

External hard disks are an undeniably convenient way of storing data, as it serves as a personal, portable database that you can take anywhere with you without having to worry about it occupying much space. They also serve as a handy way to access your data on the go, all you have to do is plug it in a computer.

However, there are chances when you happen to lose your data through an accidental click or through some sort of malware that gets a hold of your hard drive. People often accidentally delete their data and end up finding themselves in quite a pickle. Notwithstanding, no matter what happens, there are ways to recover data from your external 1tb hard disk, given it was not completely overwritten or corrupted.

Currently, there are lots of data recovery software available in the market that offer the simplest way to retrieve data. One of the best and user-friendly services are offered by Stellar Data Recovery Solutions. For users looking for the recovery of data that has been lost, Stellar offers Data Recovery software–an award-winning tool to recover lost or deleted files, folders, documents, photos, music and other important files, after every instance of data loss including accidental deletion and formatting. The software can recover data from hard drives, SSDs, SD cards, USB flash drives, and more.

The Data Recovery software is able to retrieve data from PCs, hard drives, smartphones, surveillance devices, as well as servers. Whatever the cause of data loss, Stellar provides a data recovery solution for internal and external media storage regardless of the operating system installed.

However, before panic ensues when you figure out that you are at a loss of your data, firstly you should make sure that it is not a technical error that has led you to believe that.

Here are some common fixes that you can try out:

  1. Try plugging in the hard-drive into another USB port. There are chances that the problem is with your USB port.
  2. Try connecting the hard drive to another computer.
  3. Reassign driver letter to the hard drive. For this:
  • Press Windows+R, type diskmgmt.msc in the box and click ‘OK’.
  • In the window that opens, take note of all the letters already assigned to drives
  • Now right click on the external drive, select ‘Change Drive Letter and Paths…,’ and in the window that opens, click on the ‘Add’ button.
  • Choose a drive letter from the drop down and click ‘OK
  • Restart the PC or reconnect the drive to the computer and see if you can access it via File Explorer.

The last fix should be able to make the device accessible and recognizable to an extent. However, with this fix, you might get a prompt message asking you to format the drive. In case you do, hit ‘Cancel’.

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