Thu. Apr 25th, 2024
Find My Device

Find My Device app by Google is one of those apps that do not get a lot of updates these days. The main reason for this is that it probably doesn’t need much more updates than it already does. However, a new update for the app does add a potentially valuable new feature. This new feature will make it easier for the users report their lost or stolen phone. Now with the new update, users can get the IMEI number for their device. The user doesn’t even have to dig up the original box or paperwork to find it. Users even don’t have to make a point of recording the number anywhere else.

All about new updates for Find My Device:

The new update is available under version 2.2. After updating their app to v2.2, the user will get new info i button. This new button will be appearing at the top-right corner of the card for the phone user will be looking for. After tapping on the i button, the user will see a pop-up that will contain the name and IMEI of the device. This pop-up will also contain some other information. This information will mainly include the date when the phone was first registered to user’s account and when it was last seen. Here, the last seen date coincides with the date when the device last checked in the Play Store.

This new feature will be very helpful for users in case of lost or stolen phone. As while registering a case for a stolen phone usually, a serial number is often preferred. However, for filing reports for lost or stolen phones, an IMEI number can be a good substitute in many instances.

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