Fri. Apr 19th, 2024
Google AI

The tech giant Google has surprised everyone throughout the world with its revolutionary ideas and is back again with something big. Recently, Google has introduced a new easy-to-learn AI course platform called “Learn with Google AI” that is aimed at making recent accomplishments and educational resources around machine learning (ML) and in trend artificial intelligence (AI) available to all.

These compiled set of educational resources are designed by the ML experts working in the company itself and is suitable for everyone, from beginners to researchers searching for advanced tutorials.

The website will also feature a new Machine Learning Crash Course(MLCC) along with the content that will help anyone looking to “learn about core ML concepts.”

The free educational course offered by the company on this new platform comprises of exercises, interactive visualizations and modules, and instructional videos that will make it easier to understand the machine learning concepts.

This 15-hour course is open-to-all and can be availed by newcomers as well but the students that secure excellence at least in intro-level algebra, programming basics, and Python can perform much better.

Machine Learning Crash Course is the first of many such upcoming courses and resources available on the website. This course constitutes of over 40 exercises and lectures designed by Google researchers.

Zuri Kemp, Programme Manager for Google’s ML education remarked that the tech giant believes in the fact, it is necessary that the development of AI reflects as diverse a range of human perspectives and needs as possible. He further added that this new Google AI platform is making it easier and convenient for learners throughout the world to learn ML by providing a huge range of free, in-depth educational content.