Recently launched was the new app, Niki. A prominent addition to the world of personal assistant apps. Unlike Siri or other chatbots, it is not just an app that entertains your everyday search commands but is also capable of performing tasks.
The user interface is drawn neatly giving it a million dollar feel. More appealing than the looks however is the utility of the app. The app with a simple typed message, can perform actions like booking a cab or even a hotel room. It is also pertinent to know that Niki, being a home grown app is constructed while keeping the several factors that are relevant to Indian users. Optimization to work in low speed internet environment, Indian linguistic trend etc are few of them. The app is constructed using smart architecture making it a significant competition to other AI apps.
The feature that stands out the most however is the ability of the app to fulfill tasks without actually having the original app, saving space. That is, you can book an uber or ola cab without actually having these apps. All you need is the facebook messanger in which Niki is incorporated as a chatbot.
The Niki team have gone to exceptional lengths to make it a developer friendly. With a few lines added to the source code and a simple registration on the Niki website you are good to go.
This might be a small step in the AI world but as I see it, it is a significant take on AI by an Indian company. This being said, the app requires a lot to be incorporated in it before it goes to being a full blown sidekick for the user. The app is as I quote a step in the right direction, but is still a long way from perfection. I am sure however that the single minded passion of the Niki team will propell Niki to its intended pinnacle of success.