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Oppo R15 teaser leaked- iPhoneX like designs or the new OnePlus?

R15 smartphone of Oppo’s flagship has come up with a teaser which boasts of a design much similar to iPhone-X.

Oppo has recently uplooaded its R15 and R15 Plus’ teaser image on social media Weibo. What can be predicted comparatively from the models remarking the bezel-less display, that it can be a design just like iPhone-X. This might be the preview of One Plus 6 as well since Oppo’s design language is often shared by OnePlus.

The teaser photo suggests that the company is planning to release two variants of its smartphones – Oppo R15 and the larger Oppo R15 Plus variant. Both the photos look identical in design except for the display sizes.

There had been initial leaks from the Oppo and OnePlus as well, which not only features the bezel-less display screens with a similar to iPhone ‘notch’ but also a finger print reader on the rear. OnePlus has previously shared the design aesthetics from Oppo and brought the models R11 and R11S in the market. They are often termed as cousins since both are owned by the same parent company. This also encounters a possibility that the leaked post not be about Oppo at all; it just may be about the upcoming OnePlus 6.

As far as the Oppo R15 teaser concerned, there are other features which are rumoured but have no official records or releases on details. They include a gesture-based virtual home button, vertical mounted dual cameras, and Color OS 4.0 with Android 8.1 Oreo along with Snapdragon 670 chipset.

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