Thu. Apr 25th, 2024

Whenever we upgrade for a newer model of the smartphone, the old smartphone says in our cupboard, just sitting idle. Sometimes, when you trade in for the newer model, it will be recycled to utilise the all the important components. However, the Korean tech giant Samsung has its own way of utilising the old and outdated smartphones, and here are some of the applications to get something out of your late love. Here are some of the real-life upcycle projects from Samsung.

Mining Bitcoin:

Yes, 2017 has been the year of Bitcoin, as the Bitcoin customers who had invested in thousands are now earning in lakhs. One way to get Bitcoin without actually investing them is by Mining. However, it’s not an easy task and does require high-speed internet and powerful CUP to do the same. So, according to Samsung, they have designed a rig to mine the Bitcoins which consist of 8 x 4= 48 Samsung Galaxy S5s (which is equivalent to a desktop-class Intel Core i7 CPU).

Aquarium monitoring: 

You have a fish tank and interested in monitoring the real-time geological conditions like temperature, oxygen level, and wastage percentage. For this tasks, all you need is an old school Samsung Galaxy S3 and few sensors. For that case, one can use any smartphone. Within $10 or less you will have your Aquarium monitor in no time.

Turn your tablet into PC:

Samsung has also turned an old Galaxy tablet to run a full version of open source Ubuntu operating system. Though, the Samsung UI might lag on these devices after few years but not the Ubuntu.

Use Galaxy S3 as a security camera:

Samsung was one of the first company to announce the smartphone with facial recognition camera back in the day. As the Galaxy S3 might not be able to cope up with the present demanding tasks, the smartphone can be used as a home security camera by installing custom firmware.

Samsung is planning to release the software to root and unlock boot loader in the near future. According to Samsung, no phone is too old and it has its potential and one has to learn how to use it properly. Please check out the Samsung Official Upcycling website for further insights. So, are you ready to upcycle?

By Vivek
