Tue. Apr 16th, 2024

Keeping us updated on the daily happenings across the globe is our primary task. Just we have to pick up a newspaper, sat on the sofa with a cup of tea on the table and then enjoy the things happening around us.
Over the growing days, the advancement in the world of technology has changed our view of thinking and we want things to be simpler rather than complicated. Instead of reading the newspaper we would like to be simpler with the apps in which the updates are instantly carried out, unlike the newspapers.


Here in this article, we will be looking at some of the best short news that you must definitely download on your smartphone.

1. CIRCA: – Circa has an extremely interesting interface that makes reading more simpler and it always creates a curiosity to dive deeper into the content. Instead of swallowing the contents of the Web, it has its own team of editors that present the stories only with necessary words and photos. This app is only meant for the smartphone that allows you scroll a number of stories in a short span of time. If you are looking for more interesting contents then download this app on your smartphone.

2. AWESUMMLY: – Awesummly is one of the best short news apps that protects you from the overrated and the exaggerated writings in the newspaper and deliver the contents in five to six sentences. This Indian Startup has created a revolution in the market with its awesome features such as offline reading, online sharing and audio streaming of the apps.

Download here AWESUMMLY

3. PULSE: – Pulse is almost similar to Flipboard which allows the user to select the topics according to their choice of interest. Each topic contains a collection of square boxes representing the amazing and the interesting stories. Each row contains articles from different publications, so if you are looking for the contents of a particular publication then you must definitely have this app on your device.

4. GOOGLE CURRENTS: – Google Current is a news app in which the articles are displayed in a vertical format from different publications. On swiping left and right, the app lets you switch between different publications and tapping the down menu change the sections. To enjoy more interesting articles download this app on your device.


5. INOREADER: – Though it works almost similar to Feedly it offers awesome features that fit according to your taste. The app has a long root that grabs information from all around the world and presents it before the user in an extremely mind-blowing manner. It also features an offline reading of the contents along with the decent selection of the topics.

Download here INOREADER

By hitesh