Mon. Jan 20th, 2025
Apple GlassesFrom Tech Vision

Almost never does Apple do anything without a great amount of forethought and predictability. Over the years, Apple has been doing a lot of things which were individually great but begs one to ask the question ” Why this? What is Apple planning?”

From Wikipedia

Apple’s plan

Apple is considered as one of the most predictable companies in the world due to everyone paying attention to them from Apple lovers, commonly dubbed as “Apple Fanboys” to haters and competition.

Everyone is always watching for every move Apple makes. And later when they do announce something, the seemingly unrelated numerous things all end up making sense. Which still ends up surprising 90% of the population, with some being sceptical and others outright rejecting it. Until they as well adopt the same decision Apple makes a year later.

What this means that regardless of the tremendous amount of hate Apple receives, it is still the cause of almost every wave which influences the entire market and pushes them to a new direction.

From the older announcement of Apple acquiring NextVR, to it now acquiring an AR technology startup, Spaces. Now, this is not new news. Apple has been acquiring smaller companies to supplement their resources in order to achieve their goal. And with Apple releasing it’s AR/VR hybrid headset by 2022 and AR glasses by 2023. With Apple entering the market, it will soon define the next generation of devices people will pay attention to.

AR Glasses
From Retail News Asia

What does that mean for the future of Apple and it’s consumer base??

It means that more and more companies will be releasing AR and VR related equipment soon and it will be more and more readily available in the market.

This personally makes me really excited for the future and until Elon Musk is able to complete its mind chip. These will be the way to go.

Future is indeed based on cybernetically enhancing ourselves, and that future might come as soon as 20 years to almost a hundred years. With some of the last constraints being ethics.

For a more detailed explanation on the tech of the future, check out my next article.

By Piyush Banerjee

Hello, my name is Piyush Banerjee. I am currently a student at St. Joseph's College(Autonomous), Bengaluru. I am an amateur author and have written 4 WebNovels and 1 eBook. I love tech and I believe that technological advancement is a necessity and should be promoted.

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