Beat The Heat: Follow These 5 Tips To Stay Hydrated In Summer

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Drink Water

Video: Coverr

Drink a glass of water after waking up to recover from nightly dehydration. Keep sipping water throughout the day, even if you are not thirsty.


Add buttermilk, curd, and kanji to your diet to keep the body cool. It helps you replenish water loss.

Video: Pexels

Water-Rich Food

Eat cucumber, watermelon, melons, strawberries, oranges, and grapefruits to maintain the water level in the body.

Video: Pexels

Avoid Alcohol, CAFFEINE

To stay cool and hydrated in the summer, it is better to avoid indulging too much in alcohol. In addition, cut down caffeine intake.

Video: Coverr


When facing extreme dehydration, drink ORS, coconut water, watermelon drink, or lemon water.

Video: Pexels