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400 Kurdish fighters’ pullout of Syria’s Manbij town: Syrian defence ministry

Syrian defence ministry said on Wednesday, a group of Syrian Kurdish fighters has made its withdrawal out from the flashpoint area in northern Syria of Manbij, a close region to a Turkey-controlled territory.

According to news reports, the Syrian defence ministry said, “According to information, approximately 400 Kurdish fighters have left Manbij so far.”

The ministry further said the Kurdish fighters’ pullout from Manbij was a part of an agreement “for the return of normal life to the area of northern Syria”.

Around 30 kilometre away from Turkish border, Manbij town stands at a critical stop over the map of the Syrian conflicts, besides the junction of the three separate territory’s blocks forming Russian-Turkish-US influence spheres.

The ministry also provided an online video covering dozens of vehicles travelling back along unmade road carrying the armed fighters, waving flags of YPG (Kurdish-led) militia and its counterpart the YPJ.

YPG considered as the strongest element in the SDF (Syrian Defence Forces), militias’ coalition backed by the United States in its campaign fighting against the Islamic State.

After the US President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw its troops from Syria, the YPG has asked the Syrian government military forces to deploy around the areas of Manbij town.

However, no immediate comment has been yet fetched from the SDF or the YPG over the withdrawal of Kurdish fighters or fighter that might remain in the town.

The YPG has previously announced its force’ withdrawal from Manbij and said some fighters were still in the area.

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