Fri. Apr 19th, 2024

Her Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for Defence, Mr. Gavin Alexander Williamson officially declared the upcoming launch of the first ever space defence strategy of the United Kingdom. According to him, Britain intends to stay prepared to counter any and all “intensifying threats” which have begun to emerge in space.

Williamson announced that he was aiming to increase the personnel in the British defence space sector to over 600 at the earliest notice. Gavin also assured that the RAF would officially undertake the responsibility for the command of all military space operations initiated by the UK. Gavin’s strategy will cover all spheres of protection for the UK space operations by planning ahead of any emerging space-based threats, along the lines of jamming any civilian satellites with negative intentions such as broadcasting enemy military propaganda, or taking over English satellite navigation devices.

In a statement, Williamson announced that satellite technology was more than a crucial tool for the British armed forces. All the UK satellites hovering in space affected the daily lives of citizens directly, from giving access to mobile phones, to broadcasting nationwide messages. Hence, all these assets needed to be protected from “potential adversaries” who might have harmful intentions of disrupting the peaceful life in the country. Following the launch of this strategy, the evident increase in English military personnel in space is expected to be an immense boost to the British satellite technology. Williamson also confirmed that his department was ready to invest more than millions into Britain’s most promising companies to help see the execution of this strategy.

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