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President Putin, PM Shinzo Abe prepare to end territorial dispute engaging in the Kuril Islands

After the end of the Second World War, Russia and Japan had refrained from signing a peace treaty due to the dispute between the 4 territories in the Kuril Islands, which fall right between Japanese and Russian territory. However, during the latest conference in Moscow between President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the leaders of the two nations promised that they would confer politically to come to a solution regarding the islands which would benefit both the countries mutually.

After he was welcomed into the country on the 26th of May and sat at the economic forum in Saint Petersburg as a guest of honor, PM Shinzo Abe, and President Putin had commenced a conference to discuss the upcoming steps which could be taken by both the countries to improve their economic and political relations. PM Abe confirmed later that they had also spoken about attempting to improve joint commercial activity by indulging in including healthcare, energy, and urban development throughout the disputed islands. The 4 islands, namely, Etorofu, Kunashiri, Shikotan, and Habumai, — although geographically located closer to Japan — maintains closer connections with Moscow, which relates back to the annexation of the islands by the Soviet Union at the end of the Second World War.

However, after their conference, both PM Shinzo and President Putin seemed to have agreed upon settling the age old dispute peacefully, and engaging in a ‘new breakthrough’ agriculturally, as well as industrially, so that the hostile relations between the countries would end before the next generation took over. During their conference, President Putin and PM Shinzo Abe also agreed to maintain a non-aggressive stance towards North Korea for now, and make sure that the Korean Peninsula follows through their promise of complete denuclearization.

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