Sun. Jun 9th, 2024
Prajakta Koli aka Mostly Sane

MostlySane’s Prajakta Koli posted a new #SawaalSaturday video on her channel. The video was posted on June 29, 2019, and has 192k views.

Since Prajakta’s birthday was on June 27, 2019, she has kept the title of the video “What Did I do on My Birthday”, revealing how she celebrated her birthday.

Before digging into the questions for this week #SawaalSaturday, she expresses her gratitude to her viewers, who sent her videos and wished her and made her day. She tells that she celebrated the entire day with her family in Lonavala and went to one of her favorite places that are Ekvira Devi Mandir in Lonavala. She further adds that the weather was cherry on the cake because it was raining which made everything all the more beautiful.

She then answers to the questions put up to her. She tells her experiences of college and her love for momos. She also tells that people in her life call her Projector instead of Prajakta. There were various other questions out of which there was a tongue twister as well.

Watch the video below or head over to MostlySane’s YouTube channel.

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