Fri. Jun 7th, 2024

Oslo, July 19: Talks are continuing between embattled Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and his opposition leader Juan Guaido in Barbados, the Norwegian foreign ministry, a mediator helping to reach a political settlement in Venezuela, has said on late Thursday in a rare official statement over the progress of the negotiations, according to Reuters news reports.

In an official statement, the Norwegian foreign ministry said: “The representatives of the central political actors in Venezuela are continuing the negotiations initiated in Oslo with the purpose of working continuously and as efficiently as possible.”

Last month, Maduro has said the second round of negotiations has been conducted with the opposition in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, noting secret dialogues have been underway for around a couple of months.

Both Maduro and Guaido had sent their representatives in May to Oslo to discuss for what the Norwegian government had encouraged but however, they failed to reach a common deal.

Maduro was quoted by his press service as saying, “[On] May 29, the second day of dialogue with the opposition ended in Norway. Minister [for Communication and Information] Jorge Rodriguez, Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza and [Miranda state] Governor Hector Rodriguez were present there.”

The Norwegian government has stated the parties have demonstrated their willingness to move towards finding for “an agreed-upon and constitutional solution” for Venezuela, which is facing an economic and political crisis.


Also read: Venezuelan President Maduro to resume talks with opposition in Barbados, leader Juan Guaido says

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