Fri. Jun 7th, 2024

Wipro Chairman, Rishad Premji on Monday said at the company’s 74th annual general meeting (AGM) that the company has not laid off any single employee yet. He said, “Also we have no plans to lay off at the moment. However, Wipro continues to drive cost reductions through various operational means to wade through the challenging times”.

Over 95 per cent of the company’s employees are working from home in the present scenario. Premji said, ” We may move to a balance between work from home and work from office. The model will evolve in next 12-18 months”.

In the context of the US government’s ban on H1-B visa, he said, “Wipro has de-risked itself with its localisation journey with nearly 70% of the US employees being locally hired”.

The US is the largest market for Wipro through which it generated about 59.1% to its total revenue in the last fiscal year. Last Fiscal, the company has employed 41,000 people based outside India, out of its total workforce of 1,88,270 employees.

The pandemic has impacted the company as many clients have put their discretionary spending on hold in present time. Premji said, “There is however lot of acceleration in areas of infrastructure, cloud, and virtual remote access. We also have a large cyber security practice that continues to thrive”.

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