Sun. Jun 16th, 2024

Synopsis: In particular, the letter demands investigations and punitive action against all erring police officers, administrative officers and medical officers.

In a letter addressed to the Chief Justice of India and his associate Judges of the Collegium, 47 Lady Advocates sought the establishment of an inquiry and trial supervised by the High Court to ensure that the accused are punished as strictly and as quickly as possible in the Hathras gang-rape case.

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In addition, the letter prays that any erring police, administrative and even medical officers who may have sought to distort the facts and evidence in the case must be subjected to immediate prosecution and suspension or other disciplinary action.
The letter reads that, hoping for immediate intervention by the Top Court, they are writing the letter out of sorrow and concern over the way and process in which the situation has progressed with regard to the tragedy that struck a 19-year-old Dalit girl from Hathras, U.P.
The letter draws attention to the police response to the situation, detailing a number of incidents.
The acts of the police officials seem unfathomable after September 29, 2020, when the victim succumbed to her injuries at Safdarjung Hospital, raising several questions that intertwine our rule of law with the humanity of our country, the letter states.
When the actions of the UP police officers left one and all enraged, the victim’s body was cremated by the police officers without the consent of her family.
On a similar note, a petition was filed before the Supreme Court praying that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) or a Special Investigation Team (SIT) supervised by a sitting or retired Supreme Court or High Court Judge should investigate the Hathras gang-rape case.
The Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) also wrote to the Supreme Court’s Chief Justice and other judges asking them to take cognizance of the horrific gang-rape and murder.
Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath, meanwhile, has set up a three-member SIT to investigate the incident, and a senior government official said the Chief Minister has also demanded that the case be tried in a fast track court.The official said Home Secretary Bhagwan Swarup will lead the SIT and its members will be the DIG, Chandraprakash, and PAC Agra Command Poonam. The SIT was asked, within seven days, to submit its report.

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