Sat. Jun 8th, 2024

Google Pay is the company’s rebranded payment platform.

Google took a major step of unifying all major payments solution under one brand and Google Pay is coming to desktop and IOS soon.

Google announced the news in a Blog Post, User can use the services on Chrome, Safari, and Firefox.

The cross-platform nature of Google Pay also allows the users to save the card details on a chrome book and use it.
The newly unified Google Pay comes almost two years after Google Pay 2016 launch, but unlike Google Pay, Apple pay is limited to IOS users.

The mountain view company also offers a Refer-a-Friend promotion allowing you and a friend of yours to earn $10 for each Google Pay referral.

5 features of Google Pay-

  •  You can pay faster from more browsers and devices
    • Now Google Pay being on desktop and IOS, it offers customers to pay while shopping and saving card details on Google Pay so that it can be used of other devices like apple.
  •  You can check out online without all the type
    • Once the card details are added there is no need for repeating the process, even when the user is checking out in an app or on a site for the first time.
  • It’s okay to forget your wallet
    • The large network of Google pay allows you to pay at various shopping places with ur GPay app and there is no need to carry your wallet everywhere.
  • There’s no need to wait for the mail
    • If your card is lost there is no need to wait for the mail as when you apply for the new card it will be automatically updated with Google Pay.The same is true if your bank issues a new card for one that’s about to expire. If your card is already in Google Pay, your expiration date will update as soon as it’s issued.
  • You’ll get rewarded when you shop
    • The Google Pay app for Android gives you access to offers. You can find out about promotions near you, plus get exclusive offers with the app.

By harsh

Harsh contributes articles related to latest technology, web hosting, SEO and wordpress.

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