Sun. Apr 28th, 2024

Google Chrome has started its process for blocking unwanted Videos that start playing out of nowhere on your browser.

Google Chrome in it’s most recent update(Google Chrome 66) will automatically block autoplay Videos based on your preferences which will help you to work on your browser without any unwanted noise flickering around your ears.

John Pallet, Google Chrome product manager, wrote in a recent blog spot ” a significant number of auto-play videos are axed by users who don’t want them — either by muting, pausing, or closing out of the tabs altogether — within only six seconds of the videos’ start. This demonstrated to Google that many Chrome users have absolutely no use for videos that begin unannounced and unwanted, and consequently”.

With the help of the new update, you can stop an auto-play video, Chrome will remember your preference and block any auto-play videos the next time you visit the site, Also chrome will allow you to play your preferred auto play videos.

According to pallets blog, Around 50 % of auto-play videos will be blocked that has nothing do with you. You can actually already select to disable audio on certain websites if you’re running Google Chrome 64. You just have to right click on your website tab and select “mute site” in order to never hear anything from that particular page again.

By harsh

Harsh contributes articles related to latest technology, web hosting, SEO and wordpress.

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