Mon. Jun 17th, 2024

After NLAT 2020 examination was cancelled by Supreme Court, across the country on September 28 National Law Universities, NLU shall be conducting CLAT 2020. All the safety measures shall be ensured to minimize the risk of the spread of the virus. Over the next few days, the exam authorities will appoint observers who will have to visit the exam center several times to check upon the safety protocols of COVID19  which have been implemented in the exam center or not.

While speaking to the reporters, Nirmal Kanti Chakraborty, who is the Vice-Chancellor of West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, NUJS stated that, “To each server, a checklist will be provided.”

Moreover, for the CLAT 2020 exam, it has been decided by the exam authority that students who have been tested virus-positive shall not be allowed to appear. To conduct the examination, the guidelines have been released by the National Law University. Adding on to more information, “On September 28, for the CLAT examination, the candidates who have been tested COVID positive in the last days or are under medical surveillance or in isolation will not be allowed to sit for the examination.”

Safety Measures to be taken CLAT 2020

  • According to the safety protocols, an hour before the scheduled time candidates will have to reach the venues and no student will be allowed to enter the hall 15 minutes after the exam starts.
  • Candidates need to bring their own face masks, bottle, sanitizer.
  • With allowing crowd marshals from the gate to the labs, the new normal drill will begin , where the candidates will be seated for the examination.
  • Separate entry and exit gates have been made for the exam authority. In order to ensure that there is no crowding in the exam center, before or after the exam, the route of each candidate will take to his/her lab has also been mapped.
  • Candidates with temperature over the recommended reading shall be made to sit in the shade for a while before another reading is taken.

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