Sun. Jun 16th, 2024

How to publish an app on Google Play?

First, publishing may be thrilling and challenging. Don’t worry. Today we will guide you through the app development procedure on the Play Store, which is undoubtedly the leader in the number of published apps and users.

So, let’s get started!

Step 1: Create a Google Developer account

You need to register a Google Developer Account to publish your app on the Play Market. You can do this at the beginning of the app development process. The creation process includes Adding personal information, Signing Google’s distribution agreement and adding personal information. It also includes Paying a one-time registration fee of $25. is one of the best app development platforms to build an app.

Step 2: Add a Merchant Account

You need a Google Merchant Account to sell paid apps or in-app purchases. You may control app sales, monthly payouts, and sales reports there.

After finishing the Merchant profile, the developer account links automatically.

Step 3: Prepare the Documents

You can use the documents from similar apps and write your documents based on them, or hire a lawyer to create everything from the ground up. The End User License Agreement (EULA) is a contract between you, the product’s owner, and the person using your product. Pay particular attention to including the following information in the Privacy Policy. A comprehensive summary of the types of personal information gathered, processed, and used by the app.

Step 4: Study Google Developer Policies

We’re assuming you’ve already come up with a product concept. Once you have completed this step, you must ensure that every feature you intend to include in the app complies with the Google Developer Policies. These guidelines outline how apps should be produced, updated, and promoted to meet the high-quality criteria set by the store’s community. If Google determines that your product violates one or more of the Play Store’s policy chapters, it may be rejected, blocked, or even removed from the store entirely. Furthermore, Google may terminate a developer’s account if they violate the terms and conditions several times.

Step 5: Technical Requirements 

After months of development, testing, and issue fixing, the “X-day” arrives. Before you start uploading, make sure that a developer should digitally sign every app. This maximum is 100MB for Android 2.3 and up (API level 9-10, 14 and up) and 50MB for older Android versions. Google accepts two release formats: app bundle and ask. 

Step 6: Creating the App on the Google Console

Select the app’s default language and enter a brief description. Then the store will take you to the store entry screen, where we will add all the app data. Now the file is ready to upload.

Step 7: Store Listing

You may include a link to your YouTube account in a marketing film and add a rating feature after publishing to Google Play.

Step 8: Content Rating

Pass a rating questionnaire to avoid being identified as an Unrated App. The data in the questionnaire must be correct. Any misrepresentation of your app’s content may result in account suspension or deletion. Finally, click Apply Rating to confirm the rating and continue pricing and distribution.

Step 9: Pricing the Application

The Pricing and Distribution section of your app’s download page indicates whether your app is free or paid. If you want to sell it later, you’ll need to create a new app. You can eventually convert a paid app to a free one, but not vice versa.

Step 10: Upload APK and Send for Review

After the review, your app is ready to be uploaded to the Play Store. The app can be published in three stages: production, beta, and alpha. We suggest starting with Alpha or Beta versions so you can gather feedback and fix bugs before going public.

The release name will add automatically. You may delete the text from the What’s new in this release field for the first time.

App releases

By hitting Start rollout to production, you can send your app for evaluation, which may take up to 7 days. Manual publishing is not available in the first edition. After the review, Google will launch the app. It usually takes two days.


We hope these methods help you publish your app quickly and efficiently so that users can download it from the Play Store. But remember, the journey doesn’t end there. Running a mobile app demands constant effort to keep it trendy. Build an app with and digitize your business today.

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