Mon. Jun 17th, 2024

Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh cleared the process of initiating the task of writing the history of the country’s borders today. It is expected that the work will take a total of two years for its completion.

The decision is said to be the outcome of the meeting held on the previous day in which Rajnath Singh held a discussion with eminent scholars and leaders of history and defence sector. It was reported that officials from Indian Council of Historical Research, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, the Directorate General of Archives, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of External Affairs and the Ministry of Defence took part in the discussion of 17 September.

According to the issued notification by Ministry of Defence, the statement read “It is proposed that the work will cover various aspects of borders, including tracing its making; making & unmaking and shifting of borders; role of security forces; role of borderland people encompassing their ethnicity, culture and socio-economic aspects of their lives.

This will be first such project by the Ministry to make people aware of the country’s borders. The proposed plan is aimed to offer people a better understanding of Indian borders.

The project will be helpful in providing a wider and elaborative detailed structure of India’s border geography.

By Saurabh Parmar

Digital Journalist (Specializing in Indian affairs & Contemporary Political development)

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