Mon. Jun 17th, 2024
Manoj Tiwary

A couple of days back, on India’s victory over Pakistan, Virender Sehwag posted a tweet on his twitter account saying,

On this tweet, former Pakistani Wicket keeper, Rashid Latif, made a video of  15 minutes in which he criticised  Virender Sehwag and also said that he has no respect for him. Whereas, Sehwag replied to it by saying, “A suggestive overpower is always improved than incomprehensible words.”

However, Indian batsman, Manoj Tiwary could not hold himself back on the criticism of Sehwag and came down heavily on Rashid on his shameful act. He said that Rashid’s video was a stunt to be in the limelight and also said that he should first tally his records with Sehwag before saying anything about such a great player.

In his video, Manoj Tiwary is found saying, “I generally don’t upload videos but Rashid Latif’s comments forced me to. He has tried to put down a legend like Virender Sehwag and it is a shameful act. So I was wondering what forced him to upload such a video.

After thinking long I figured out that all he wants is his 60 seconds of fame – something which he doesn’t get nowadays. The language in the video suggests he doesn’t have courtesy and the decency to respect other players. He should realise that by posting such a video he has made a big mistake.”

Manoj Tiwary later mocked the former player about his knowledge in English

“You should go and check your record and then see Sehwag’s record. It will help you understand whom you are talking about. But the problem is you cannot even understand those records as it is in English.”

Tiwary further adds,”You cannot even match Virender Sehwag’s numbers. So tell a friend to translate Sehwag’s record from English so that you understand how far behind you lag in terms of numbers. It will help you become aware of reality and then think ten times before taking such digs at legendary performers of the game.”

By Naman