Mon. Jun 17th, 2024
Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen

Taipei, Oct 1: Taiwan’s government has on Tuesday condemned Chinese “dictatorship” on Beijing’s national day celebration, stating the nation was a pure threat to peace and stability and was paving excuses for its military expansion.

China is today celebrating its 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic with a massive military parade in capital Beijing to mark the Communist Party’s seven-decade ruling in the nation, according to Reuters news reports.

President Xi Jinping said China would always promote the peaceful development with the government of Taiwan and “continue to strive for the motherland’s complete reunification”.

Reacting to Jinping’s comment and the military parade, Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council said the nation would never accept China’s “one country, two systems” mechanism.

“The Chinese Communist Party has persisted with its one-party dictatorship for 70 years, a concept of governance that violates the values ​​of democracy, freedom and human rights, causing risks and challenges for the development of mainland China,” it said.

It added Taiwan has been democratically working its nation since the past 30 years and China should make use of this development to promote democracy.

“Its shouting about the struggle for unity, great rejuvenation and unification is only an excuse for military expansion, seriously threatening regional peace and world democracy and civilization.”

The council also said the lifeline of the development and survival of mainland China is not tied to one party and one person.

China has been pushing Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen to accept its “one country, two systems” mechanism. The council also said Beijing could not bully Taipei to accept its program.

On Tuesday, Tsai said, “We are a country of democracy and freedom and will show support for anyone in the world who pursues democracy and freedom.” Referring to Jinping, she said the ruler should carefully respect and listen to people’s pursuit of freedom and democracy and respect the people’s will.

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