Tue. Apr 30th, 2024

Whenever we recall our childhood memories, we’ll always talk about the good and memorable ones, we’ll have the bad ones too but will prefer avoiding them. As we go on from various stages of life, especially separating from childhood i.e adolescence, in a way getting introduced to the complexities of life. The 2009 Marathi film ‘Vihir’ probably has defined it perfectly on-screens, delivering justice to each and every moment which represents a set of questions we have emerged from our surroundings.

The film deals with how children deal with chaos and remain unnoticed all around. The story follows Sameer and his cousin Nachiket who share a great bond and meet after a long time at a relative’s wedding. Sameer is fascinated with Nachiket’s talks but at the same time, his philosophy seems out of his understanding.

A still from Vihir

The film deeply explores child psychology as the children deal with crises like death, family feuds, etc. The Vihir (A Well) in the film metaphorically represents the quest of a young boy finding the meaning of life and the way people deal with it.

The ending definitely talks a lot through silent frames as it gives us a deep insight into complexities and an inspiration to deal with it. Produced by Amitabh Bachchan’s AB Corp Ltd, the film stars Alok Rajwade, Girish Kulkarni, Amruta Subhash, and Madan Deodhar.

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