Mon. Apr 29th, 2024
summer fashion tips
It has always been a difficult task since decades for all of us to decide what to wear when heading out for work. Especially in summers- the part of year when you don’t feeling like going out of your house. However, when it comes to work you cannot just dress up without thinking much and head towards work. The best way to keep ourselves cool and fresh during summers is our clothes. The followings are the ways to keep ourselves cool in summers:
1. Choose your fabric wisely– Fabric plays a very important role during the whole year. We buy different fabrics according to the season. Cotton and rayon are the best options for summers. As they don’t stick to our body due to sweat and make us feel good. They absorb sweat and dry quickly. So, buying clothes made up of cotton or rayon for summers is the best way to keep ourselves cool in these hot sunny days.
2. Buy selective colours– As science has taught us, darker the colour, more heat it absorbs; lighter the colour less heat it absorbs. So light colour shirts and trousers or kurtas are the best option one can choose for summers. choosing pastel colours for summer is the best way to beat the heat. Avoid wearing black in summers, as it absorbs heat.
3. Check with the fit– one should always avoid wearing tight-fitting shirts or trousers when heading towards work during summer as it causes irritation and gets stuck to our body. One should always try to wear loose shirts, kurtas and trousers to be comfortable. We can always wear a white waist banyan or inner to avoid wet sweat patches on shirts or kurtas.

By priya

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