Mon. Jun 17th, 2024

Recently where DU (Delhi University) has amended the purview of sports quota, yet again the university has raised its concern in the matter of reservation.

The Delhi University standing committee, which was held on 2nd May, the members have come up with a decision to introduce a different system in its undergraduate admission process this year. According to the discussion, the reserved category students (SC/ST/OBC and other) will be transferred to unreserved category (general) if they meet the cut-off in successive list.

For instance- The cut-off for reserved seat is 80% and general seat is 82%. Now, if a reserved student meats the cut-off-criteria, which is 80% then he will be granted admission under reserved category but if the cut-off of general category falls from 82 to 80 percent then he will automatically be transferred for the admission under general category.

Rasal Singh, one of the members of the Standing Committee of the Academic Council, said, “This is a historic decision. The formula would be applicable to all reserved categories- including SC/ST/OBC and even for the EWS admission this year. ”

The joint decision have been taken in the matter so as to ensure equality and social justice in terms of unbiased education system.

Though, this is not the first time that such decision is taken, in Kirori Mal College the similar provision was being followed till 2017 but it is in discontinuation since last year. Few other colleges too follow this provision but 95% of the Indian colleges doesn’t follow it.

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