Mon. Jun 17th, 2024

As per reports, all four convicts in Nirbhaya case will be hanged on December 16 – the same day they committed the crime in 2012. Sources say that a dummy execution has already been performed in Tihar jail today.

Amid reports that Nirbhaya convicts will be executed soon, Delhi’s Tihar Jail asked Uttar Pradesh to provide two hangmen on short notice. Uttar Pradesh’s additional director general (prisons) Anand Kumar on Thursday, said that the department is ready to provide the hangmen.

Earlier, the Ministry of Home Affairs recommended the President to reject the mercy plea of one of the four rapists, Vinay Sharma.

Parents of Nirbhaya also moved the President’s office seeking rejection of the mercy petition. The letter stated that this mercy petition is a deliberate attempt to avoid the execution of death sentence and hamper the dissemination of justice.

23-year-old student Nirbhaya was gang-raped inside a bus by six people on December 16 in 2012 in Delhi. The victim was sexually assaulted and thrown on the road along with her male friend. Few days later, she succumbed to injuries. Out of the six convicts, one committed suicide in prison, while another, a juvenile, served maximum punishment of three years in a reform home and was set free in 2015. Other four convicts were later handed death sentence.

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