Sun. Jun 16th, 2024

Delhi High Court asked for an immediate response from the ruling government challenging the validity of Shah Faesal’s illegal detention on Monday. The retired IAS officer is now the leader and founder of  Jammu and Kashmir People’s Movement Party (JKPMS).

On 14th August night on his way to the United States, the leader was detained at New Delhi airport. After that, he was illegally put under preventive detention in Srinagar under Public Safety Act. To seek a responsive answer on this matter, Shah filed Habeas corpus petition in the high court.

Through his petition, he also alleged that no transit remand was accorded to in Delhi before
sending him to Srinagar. He was also not handed any kind of arrest memo or seizure memo providing details of his detention.

Shah Faesal has joined the name of leaders who have been illegally placed under the house arrest after the repeal of Article 370. Former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti and Omar Abdullah have also been kept under preventive arrest in Srinagar.

The detentions have come as a massive shock to the general public and big political players. It started with the centre’s decision to revoke Article 370 and strip Jammu and Kashmir of its special status.

Previously, Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee has also urged the ruling government to release all the political prisoners in the state. It expressed its deep concern and said that the confinement of leaders is not the solution to existing problems in the valley.


By Saurabh Parmar

Digital Journalist (Specializing in Indian affairs & Contemporary Political development)

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