Sun. Jun 16th, 2024

With the JDSCongress Coalition government collapsed on Tuesday after failing to win Confidence motion in the Karnataka Assembly, former Congress President Rahul Gandhi called the development as the loss of ‘Democracy, honesty and the people of Karnataka’ and victory for ‘vested interests’.

Taking to Twitter, Rahul Gandhi said, ‘From its first day, the Cong-JDS alliance in Karnataka was a target for vested interests, both within & outside, who saw the alliance as a threat & an obstacle in their path to power. Their greed won today. Democracy, honesty & the people of Karnataka lost’.

Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra also took to Twitter and slammed Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for dismantling the institutions. In a series of tweet, Priyanka Gandhi said, ‘One day the BJP will discover that everything cannot be bought, everyone cannot be bullied and every lie is eventually exposed’.

In a subsequent tweet, she added, ‘Until then I suppose, the citizens of our country will have to endure their unbridled corruption, the systematic dismantling of institutions that protect the people’s interests and the weakening of a democracy that took decades of toil and sacrifice to build’.

After 4 day-long debate on a Confidence motion, Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy led coalition government on Tuesday fell after it suffered a defeat in the floor test of the assembly.

“Chief Minister Kumaraswamy has lost the floor test, as 99 votes were in favor of the confidence motion and 105 against it,” Assembly Speaker K.R. Ramesh Kumar told the members of the House after the trust vote.

With 20 MLAs defying the party whip and were absent for the floor test, the strength of the 225-member Karnataka Assembly was reduced to 204 with 103 as the halfway mark for a simple majority.

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) State President BS Yeddyurappa will meet Governor Vajubhai Vala today and will claim stake to form a government in the state.


By talharashid

Part-time Traveler| Full-time Political Enthusiast | Foodie | Strong Believer of Freedom of Speech and Expressions!

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