Sat. Jun 8th, 2024

A lot of assumptions were made when Suresh Raina flew back to India amid personal reasons. But clearing everything Raina spoke with Cricbuzz and said that his return could be very well in hand his return should not be ruled out. He also confirmed that his return to India was a total personal decision and there was nothing wrong between him and CSK franchise.

Raina further added that it was his personal decision to get back to his family. Some things need immediate reaction and he took the decision to be with his family. He considers CSK as his family and Mahi Bhai (MS Dhoni) as his brother and both of them are very important to him. He concluded that even though it was a tough decision, there are no issues between him and the franchise.

The good news for CSK supporters is that Raina has assured that he is training in India even in quarantine situation and hints on returning to the IPL and the fans to might see him in the yellow jersey soon.

The return of 33 year old to India created a lot of chaos on the internet as it was reported that there has been a rift between the player and the CSK owner N.Srinivasan. To clear all the hoax and plenty of assumptions Raina said that Srinivasan was like a father figure to him and this made everything crystal clear.

The CSK owner was upset because he did not know the real reason behind the player’s exit form the team ahead of IPL.

By Salem Bin Amer

Engineer, Badminton player, Fitness enthusiast and a full-time Content writer.

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