Mon. Jun 17th, 2024

The United States will likely go ahead with its plan to withdraw from its participation in the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty with Russia, regardless of whether the US general assembly has on Friday, adopted a Russian drafted resolution in order to preserve the historic accord, Russian envoy to the UN Vassily Nebenzia told reporters.

According to Sputnik news reports, USA’ decision comes after the high-level officials from the US department of the state along with the secretary of state Mike Pompeo said that Washington would exit from the INF treaty if Russia failed to comply with the accord until February 2.

The Russian representative to the UN Vassily Nebenzia told reporters on Thursday: “If the US has set their mind to leave the deal at any cost, the adoption of the resolution per se will not stop them.”

In 2018 December, Pompeo has said that Washington will suspend its adherence to the pact within the upcoming 60 days until Moscow did not return to full compliance with the agreement.

Referring to Thursday’s talks held in Beijing between Russia and US on the sidelines of the P5 conference, Nebenzia said, “Everyone talks about the importance of preserving the treaty, but tomorrow’s vote will show who is really for the deal, and who only talks about it.”

After the meeting, Russian deputy foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov slammed Washington for holding an “ultimatum” position respective to the arms control treaty.

Ryabkov has said, “Unfortunately, there is no progress. The US position remains rather tough and ultimatum-like. We told the US side that it is impossible to hold dialogue in the condition of attempted blackmailing of Russia.”

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