Sun. Apr 28th, 2024

The recent episode of Sanjivani begins with Dr. Sid and his friends discussing the situation about his house. Dr. Ishani approaches Dr. Sid, and hands him the restraining orders. Dr. Sid demands to know a reason for this madness, and tears up the papers. Dr. Ishani gets angry and tells him to stay away from her. She’ll send a copy of the papers to him. He has to stay five feet away from him. Dr. Ishani suffers an emotional breakdown because of her actions against Dr. Sid.

Dr. Sid refuses to stay away from Dr. Ishani and continues to stalk her throughout the hospital. Dr. Ishani imagines embracing Dr. Sid and confessing that she can’t live without him, but then remembers the reality.

As she’s leaving the hospital, Dr. Sid walks up to Dr. Ishani and tries to give her juice. Dr. Ishani tells him to leave her alone. Dr. Sid offers to drop Dr. Ishani home, but she vehemently declines it.

Dr. Ishani gets frustrated and calls the police. She tells them about the restraining order and gets Dr. Sid arrested for disobeying it. Dr. Ishani realizes her mistake and tells the police to release Dr. Sid. After he’s gone, Dr. Ishani talks to god. She asks for a way through which she can stay away from Dr. Sid while also protecting from harm. A woman comes and tells her to pick a path, and walk on it. To either love Dr. Sid or stay away.

Tomorrow: Dr. Ishani asks Dr. Rishabh to be his date for a party.

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