Sat. Jun 1st, 2024
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 725 shotgun

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was a huge hit back in 2007 when it intrigued the gaming community with a fascinating storyline and gameplay. Recently, Modern Warfare which is a re-imagined version of 2007 classic even officially rolled out a beta earlier this month with the title is all set to arrive on October 25th. But before its launch, Activision is busy sharing new trailers and details as the company recently shared a new Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare launch gameplay trailer alongside a new Special Ops Mode trailer. Moreover, we also know that you don’t need to free up 175GB on your gaming PC to play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare at launch. And now, in the latest of revelations, we have learned that Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare will not have loot boxes at launch.

The reimagined Modern Warfare is all set to roll out next week. And according to art director Joel Emslie, Infinity Ward has no plans to introduce a loot box or supply drop system at launch.

Studio art director Joel Emslie posted on Reddit, “There continues to be misinformed and incorrect info being pushed about Modern Warfare. What I can say right now is that we are definitely NOT working on any kind of supply drop or loot box system. Also, functional stuff is unlocked through gameplay.”

Loot boxes have been under scrutiny for the past few months. Back in August, Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony took a stand for disclosing odds on ‘Loot Boxes’. Recently, even Psyonix announced to replace ‘Rocket League’ loot boxes with blueprints. Call of Duty is just another addition to which seems to be a long list. I would also like to add that this is a bold step as it might restrict people from spending unnecessary money on ‘loot boxes’.

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