A national Animation, Visual Effects, Gaming, and Comics (AVGC) mission with a budget outlay to be created for integrated promotion and growth of the industry has been suggested in the report of the AVGC Promotion Task Force. It has been submitted to the government for consideration.
The Task Force constituted members of secretaries of associated union ministries MSDE, Department of Higher Education- MoE, MeITY & DPIIT. It also included members from State Governments of Karnataka, Maharashtra, Telangana; heads of education bodies such as All India Council of Technical Education, National Council of Educational Research and Training and representatives of industry bodies- MESC, FICCI and CII.
The Task Force is an effort to realise the Prime Minister’s vision that the AVCG-XR sector can provide immense employment opportunities to the youth who can serve the global market and the Indian talent can lead the way in this sector.
Information and Broadcasting minister Anurag Singh Thakur has identified that the AVGC sector can serve as a major growth driver for the Media and Entertainment industry in India. He emphasized that beyond the high economic impact of the growth of this sector, the sector also has the potential to better disseminate and promote Indian culture to the world, connect the Indian diaspora more strongly to India, generate direct and indirect quality employment and benefit tourism and other allied industries.
At the release of the AVGC Task Force report, Information and Broadcasting Ministry secretary Apurva Chandra said, in the coming years, India’s AVGC sector will have a similar potential as India’s IT sector. He said “we expect the creation of more than 20 lakhs jobs in the next 10 years in the AVGC sector”
He further added, “Animation, Visual Effects, Gaming, and Comics is a cross-cutting sector of creative arts and science. The AVGC Taskforce has recommended setting up new departments and courses at the college level which are recognized by UGC.”
"Animation, Visual Effects, Gaming, and Comics is a cross-cutting sector of creative arts and science.
The AVGC Taskforce has recommended setting up new departments and courses at the college level which are recognized by UGC"
-Secretary I&B Ministry Apurva Chandra pic.twitter.com/JE4SlW53qT
— Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (@MIB_India) December 26, 2022
AVGC Task Force was constituted to help realize the full potential of the AVGC sector in India, with key stakeholders from the Industry and the Government. The Union Budget had announced the constitution of a Task force on AVGC to identify interventions to build domestic capacity for serving our markets and the global demand